The Vision of Parma Heights Baptist is to help people FIND and FOLLOW Jesus Christ. The first three days of our devotion time was spent getting to know who God and Jesus is. Today we took time to talk through what the next step is for kids who accepted Jesus Christ.
The Lesson focus was: Learning how to follow Jesus Christ as our Lord. We read Mathew 4:19 where it says we should follow Jesus. Then we read 2 Timothy 3:16. We found that the Bible teaches us what is true, what is wrong in our lives, what is right and helps fully equip us for every good thing God wants us to do.
Then we looked at several scriptures that talked more about how we should live and how to know Jesus better. Finally, we talked about the importance of having other friends who are Christians as well. The best place to do that is at a church where there are lots of great kids with many fun activities, events and great opportunities to learn more about Jesus. That certainly doesn't have to be Parma Heights Baptist, but if they don't attend a church now, we'd love to have them check us out sometime.