Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vacation Bible School Day 3

Vacation Bible School day three is one of those incredible days through the week. It started again with energetic worship, humorous, but thoughtful drama and large group teaching.

Today is the day that the kids clearly learn about how much Jesus loves us all. In same great dramatic teaching, we all learned that receiving Jesus as our savior is as easy as ABC backwards:
C - Confess that Jesus is Lord
B - Believe that Jesus died on the cross for us
A - Admit that we make mistakes (sin)


BIBLE MEMORY VERSE: IF YOU CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH, "JESUS IS LORD," AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, YOU WILL BE SAVED. ROMANS 10:9 We all love cookies...but these preschoolers really are enjoying their snack break today!
Ministry at VBS include all ages. These kids are in childcare so their parents can help teach and assist with the older kids.
Can you imagine 700 kids broken into small groups like this all over PHBC? We are so blessed that so many outstanding adult and youth volunteers invest time to really care for and teach these kids key biblical truths (and help make it really fun!),
To keep the large group times from getting too big, you'll see groups like this in several places before and after they break into small groups.
Three days down and two to go!