Like each day this week, we started out ministry off with VBS in the morning. It's fun to recognize names and faces as we get to know the kids, in spite of the language barrier. As we connect with the kids, we have begun to think of some of them as "our own". As the kids pile off the bus, I find myself looking for "my kids". I wish we could bring them home with us. Each day they enjoy singing, crazy contests and games, and work on a memory verse. While all of this is happening, we become human jungle gyms. They love climbing, cuddling, and holding hands. They're also fascinated with our hair. They love braiding the girls and some of the guys hair. They find male arm and facial hair interesting, as most Haitians don't have much.
We had a neat honor in the afternoon. On Monday, we were at Bercy for our afternoon work project. (See Day 3) Our team did such a great job working on the pastoral and teacher institute and conference center that the foreman asked for us to be reassigned to come back for an extra day. So we got our sweat on, moving concrete block, backfilling parts of the foundation, trying rebar for the foundation, and a variety of other tasks. While we in no way completed the job, we were able to get large part of the project jump started. Jake, the foreman, said we saved his crew weeks of work. We're excited for how God is going to use that facility to further His Kingdom.
Thanks for your prayers and support!